Yeah, you heard me. Tomato Tempeh Potato Stew! Too weird for you? Too doggone bad.
This is some authentic hodgepodgery. No grocery shopping for fancy new ingredients like a little fancy pants cotton-headed ninny muggins. Just the shirt on my back and the pleas of hundreds of thousands of fans begging me to create a new post. Okay, and maybe a little help. Twas a collaborative effort between hilarious blog masterminds @Hodgepodge_blog and my new BFF, Thomas. We're like all over the interwebz. Check us out, or be a big dumb dummy.
Hokay, so. Above we have the ingreddoz. Thats awesome speak for ingredients.
Leftover marinara sauce, sour cream, juice of 1/2 a lemon,
pitted green olives, one hundo % natural diced tomato, tempeh, 2 cloves garlic.
Oh yeah, and dem fingerling po-tay-toes.
[ENTER SCENE] Marinaria sauce, lemon juice arrives shortly thereafter.
Oh no no no lemon seeds, NOT IN MY SAUCE, NOT ON MY WATCH!
FADE IN: Chopped lengthwise GREEN OLIVES. In comes the DICED TOMATOES, with the kickdrum!
SOUR CREAM approaches sauce. She dollops.
CUT TO: Worldwide mouth-watering.The lights in Adele's kitchen dim, Barry White begins to play.
Sour creamy dreamy, baby. |
Now, it's potato boilin' time! A super secret trick to the most awesome fingerling potatoes EVER is to do the following:
Pot'o'water + bag'o'taters + 1 cup salt. Just set it, and forget it!! Or at least boil until these carbtastic root nuggets are forking tender.
Do not be alarmed! These potatoes are gonna make the sides of your pot saltier than Oscar the Grouch on the wrong side of the bed Monday morning.
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Let these gents dry for a spell. |
Crispy crunch-ish potato nomz!
For you fatties out there, double up on the butter nugs! Otherwise, a little churned salty cream goo goes a long way. Harlem shake onto your potatoes some freshly cracked out black pepper.
Top that toe-mater stew with some parm chee and BUH-BAM!
Dinner, you better take these court papers, CUZ YOU JUST GOT SERVED.
Well kids, I hope you had a great time reading this. I hope you've learned a lot and I hope your day tomorrow is whimsical and full of regalement. I hope you dance.
Oh yeah, one last bit of jest before you resume your super awesome life.........