Sunday, April 22, 2012

Grey Soup. YUM.

Potato leek soup is one of my all time fave soups. I've made a similar soup before, but it had parsnips and broccoli in it. Nutrition WIN. But, in true hodgepodge fashion, I didn't have the luxury of having all the right ingredients when I decided to whip up some awesome. So like MacGyyver in the season finale of Iron Chef in the sahara desert, I came upon these choice ingredients to create the soup of the century.  

A simple assortment of veggies and a sketch bottle of "seasoning"...who could ask for more? No but really, that Maggi's Seasoning is dirk legitsky. Try it, you'll like it.

I was a tad apprehensive about the use of ginger in a cauliflower leek soup, but I was short on other herbs and all-natural pizzaz, so I decided to go for it. 

And remember kids, the only good ginger is a root. 
I spy with my little eye, a ginga nug.

So the method to madness here is super simple. Basically cook everything down and add broth of the chicken variety. Seriously. Yes, it looks like a sadder version of the cabbage soup made by Charlie's poverty-stricken family in Charlie and the Chocolate factory, and it doesn't get much better from there. But its healthy, dangit. 

Be sure to transfer to a soup pot, a skillet ain't gonna cut it. 
 Once you've added the broth, let it cool to a reasonable temp so that you can blend the bajesus out of it.

And now, you have this velvety, creamy, pathetic grey slop. So I guess to know how truly delicious this soup is, ya gots ta make it!

And thats all she wrote!

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