Thursday, September 6, 2012

White Trash Fusion: Virgin Mac&Cheese Shotgun Wedding


I would like to call this genre of cuisine "white trash fusion." 

While this particular dish is missing some Velveeta and a nice pop tart crumble, I quite enjoy the idea of turning ghetto into gourmet. 

The Ben Stein of macaroni dishes.
Gee whizz, that just-add-water microwavable white cheddar macaroni and "cheese" sure does look mighty down in the dumps. And I don't mean like a truck, truck

Being the mac to somebody's cheese just doesn't cut the mustard these days. This dish needed to enrich more than its pasta. Cook up some zucchini, garlic, tomatoes and fresh basil and faster than Paul Ryan's marathon time -- WHU-BAM! Magic.

Suck it, David Blaine. I just levitated your tastebuds. 

While this is all fine and dandy, I would like to further your hodgepodge experience by offering up my fine culinary expertise. As with any fine meal, your palate is best cleansed and rejuvenated after a good mildly hoppy rinse. Much to my delight, I happened upon my destiny: a commemorative Coors. For full flavor, shotgun your first Coors and then enjoy your meal with a 2nd. 

Because what goes better with gourmet instant mac&cheese than an ice cold Banquet beer?


1 comment:

  1. Adele, this blog is beyond brilliant. When are you moving back to Portland?

    Please and thank you ;)
